Various governments have instituted regulations instructing that vehicles be equipped with ESC, or requiring them to meet performance standards that are designed to be unachievable by vehicles without ESC.
The vehicle models in CarSim do not have built-in ESC. Detailed ESC models are typically added with an external simulation environment such as Simulink or LabVIEW. In some cases, the ESC is defined 100% with software and can be run with the core Windows-based CarSim software; in other cases, CarSim RT is used to run hardware in the loop with ESC hardware. Another method for adding a controller to a VS math model is through VS commands. A simple ESC defined with VS commands has been provided in CarSim since version 8, in order to illustrate a basic ESC function in the FMVSS 126 / ECE R13H examples. The example ESC has recently been updated, and a technical piece was written to document the control logic and some of the VS commands concepts that are used. The ESC that has been installed in CarSim will be replaced in future versions of the software with the controller described.