The 2024 Thar ROXX SUV from Mahindra and Mahindra is the first new passenger vehicle to feature Monroe OE Solutions’ passive dampers fitted with Tenneco’s Monroe Ride Refine Advanced Hydraulic Rebound Stop (AHRS) technology. AHRS is designed to minimise suspension rebound topping energy and noise during off-road driving and in other extreme environments.
The ride technologies have been introduced as part of the Thar ROXX’s ‘M_GLYDE Platform’, engineered for a smooth ride and precise handling, with good vehicle dynamic characteristics both on and off the road.
Mahindra and Mahindra selected Monroe OE Solutions’ double-tube dampers featuring the next-generation Ride Refine AHRS, a tuneable secondary valve that works in concert with each damper’s main valve to absorb peak loads during high-energy bumps and when encountering deep potholes. This design ensures optimal energy absorption to increase body control without compromising passenger comfort.

The AHRS features a pressure tube and a proprietary high-strength sealing ring that provide a smooth and progressive transition to hydraulic rebound stop activation. The system is designed to deliver a comfortable ride in all vehicles, but especially in SUVs.
Each damper on the Thar ROXX also features the Monroe MTV CL piston valve, providing digressive damping characteristics for enhanced handling performance, and the Ride Refine RC1 valve, which applies frequency dependent damping to smooth out high-frequency wheel motions.
“Ride Refine AHRS technology delivers premium damping performance and an exceptionally broad tuning range,” said Hal Zimmermann, vice president and general manager of Monroe Ride Solutions. “Our growing portfolio of Ride Refine secondary valve systems opens the door to a vast new range of ride tuning and performance capabilities available through conventional passive dampers.”